I created this vector artwork as a tribute for one of Mexico's most beloved movie stars, comedy actor: Mario Moreno Cantinflas,
he rose from the humblest tent shows in the 1930s Mexican barrios to become the century's greatest symbol of popular culture in the Spanish-language world.
Cantinflas--born Mario Moreno--began his career in the carpas, tent shows that were placed in vacant lots across the populous barrios in the city and whose audience was composed of low-wage workers who lived in the neighborhood. The stage was shared with singers, dancers, magicians, clowns and comics who delivered short sketches based on the albur --an old form of double-entendre speech that celebrates sex, rejoices in scatology and makes fun of people.
Through language and pantomime, Cantinflas was able to create a new genre and transform the albur into a new form of speech whose foundation was basically nonsense. But this is a nonsense that, while saying nothing, at the same time communicates much.

Final Artwork

Done completely in vectors on Adobe Illustrator

An early version of the artwork, with a simple white backdrop, the clothing wasn't quite finished then.

Left- The original poster for the film AHí ESTÁ EL DETALLE by Josep Renau, one of the greatest movie poster artists of the mexican cinema, and a brilliant artist on his own merit, a master of collage was an spanish exhiled in Mexico at the moment he started to work on creating posters to promote films for the production companies, Renau is one of my main influences in style and composition, Right- The reference picture of this particular illustration.